My writings... and how I've found a new life-- not in the ashes of the old life-- but in eyes and hearts of new friends, new lovers and new places.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

old words.. new meanings..

Since exploring polyamory, I've discovered completely new meanings to old words..

Friend... The definition has expanded to include lovers who cease to be lovers, but remain friends...

Ummmm Friend is... a vague definition... used by my umm friend... when she wasn't sure if I wanted to admit to another person that I'm physically involved with another woman.  And I'm still unsure about how I feel about any of the labels that go along with the floaty, delightful feeling of kissing a woman.

Sleeping with... used to be a euphemism for sex with someone... Ironic, isn't it?  Generally when people are sleeping with someone, they aren't actually sleeping.  In th poly world... at least the one I'm in... Sleeping with.. means snuggling (not sweaty snuggles).. just common, innocent snuggles in a bed..

Then this weekend... a discussion and the phrase Jacob's Ladder came up... again, after a few sentences, I knew that my definition was out of sync with the conversation... so I asked. (because my netbook, aka my addiction wasn't up)  yep, not the Old Testament story that I remember.. and I thought Prince Albert was all I needed to know...

"Fluid bond" a year ago would have seemed like a car guy thing.. since they are fond of various fluids (trans fluid, windshield wiper fluid, motor oil, brake fluid, etc.)  and Bondo.  How odd that Bondo is on Urban dictionary... although it is very useful for .. body work..

Thanks to Urban Dictionary... I've learned a lot of new phrases... I just can't use them Monday through Friday afternoon. I'll add more later.. just wanted to play with the new vocabulary.

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