My writings... and how I've found a new life-- not in the ashes of the old life-- but in eyes and hearts of new friends, new lovers and new places.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sex is easy, Love is hard.... shouldn't it be the other way around?

I'm still recovering from a I'm aware that my sense are off.... Food tastes wrong, my instincts fail me, my hearing is not working well. Into this, complications... I need to hear better, need to focus on subtle, and well, I failed.

Frankly, I've discovered that it is easy to have sex. Actually easier than working out.. because I don't have to change clothes.. just have to take them off. Love.. now that is difficult. Communication is paramount to love.. Although I am fascinated with the thought of lovers who don't talk. That could work for me.... because I tend to assume all is well.

In a couple situations currently, I'm getting several viewpoints from several people who are involved. Each person sees the situation in a very different way.

In an online setting, I made a flippant comment, which was greeted with "what do you mean?" I thought it was clear.. then read what the other person interpreted it as.

So I'm realizing that no matter how clear we believe we are... the message may be garbled by the receiver. --There's no way to fix that....

And I'm also painfully aware that I misinterpret the messages I'm receiving.

Adding detail sometimes helps... Sometimes not..

Example: What do you want for dinner?

I don't care (I'm not really hungry, I'm flexible, What's in the freezer?, I've got a craving for comfort food, but don't want to admit it., I love you and will eat whatever you fix, etc.)

The possibilities are limitless...

Ultimately, realize that I intend almost all of my communication to be from love. I care about the people in my life. I want them to be happy.

Yep, sex is easy... Love is hard... and I wonder if the world would be a better place if love was easy and sex was hard.....

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