My writings... and how I've found a new life-- not in the ashes of the old life-- but in eyes and hearts of new friends, new lovers and new places.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm falling madly in like...

One curse of being older is that I'm a jaded about relationships. I want to believe in "forever" and "happily ever after." But I'm also painfully aware that forever can be as short as 14 months(my marriage) or 16 years (my last long term relationship).

At a certain point, it feels like forever... the shared memories and joys.

That's not where I am right now.

I'm in the tenative beginnings of a relationship. Everything is vivid and joyfilled. I cherish conversations, and remember glances. The glancing touch of a hand is ecstatic. NRE... New Relationship Energy. I see what it is like now... I'm bullet proof...I float, and sigh. I trust... in strange and wonderful ways.

Example... sharing websites... what a blast... finding new sites that someone else loves.. and I like that person... so the websites are another way to explore that person's interests. Each delightful page of comics I don't understand... or abstract art... or decorating ideas.

Last weekend, we went to a museum. The abstract art show was amazing.. and we compared what we liked, what we adored. We analyzed what attracted us to various pieces. Then at the end was a coffee table with an art project. We both did the project... Then I watched as she concentrated on a project of her own... Another friend sat at the end of the couch... and I sat and meditated. I marked that moment... the lighting, the art, the people, how I sat, what I felt... so I could recall it.. when I wanted a pleasant place/memory.

I could say more.. but shouldn't and won't. Life is unfolding as it should. I will be patient.

and I will enjoy the amazing energy of this new relationship.

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